Everything you want to know about Drive to Web and TV Analytics

The cross-device marketing and Realytics' user-centric approach

Written by Raphaelle | 10/31/17 8:00 AM

The cross-device marketing or the essential role of the user in any media strategy 


Cross-device marketing: what's that again?

Why cross-device? Well, everything is linked to the evolution of the daily life of consumers. There are 26.74 million TV households in the UK, rising from 24.61 million in 2004 (Statista, Total number of TV households in the UK from 2004 to 2017), plus the average British household owns around 7.4 internet devices; smartphones are the most common one, followed by laptops and tablets (YouGov Survey, 2015).

This device multiplication brought a contact points multiplication, making it hard to clearly identify attribution. A cross-device marketing strategy helps finding back every device chosen by the users and track their actions back to them.

We don't talk of campaigns only made via one canal, but of cross-canal ones, and choosing the right cross-device strategy allows advertisers to follow the customer journey of his/her consumers and identify all the steps in the conversion funnel.


The customer journey at the heart of the marketing strategy 

Digital holds an important place in the customer journey, and, in order to better understand the user, we need to replace it at the center of every strategy. Advertisers need to have a global vision of every consumer, identify every one of them and understand their client journey (anonymously).

Realytics places those clients at the heart of its solutions. How? By defending the TV-digital convergence, developing solutions thought to pursue the client experience in digital, and set up cross-canal strategies for its clients.

That's what we have developed with AlloResto, with a unique cross-canal scenario. Thanks to our solution Digital Follow-Up, we could identify the visitors who have been exposed to a TV campaign and who have reacted instantaneously to a TV spot on a second screen - we call them "TV-engaged viewers". Then, we follow this audience in their web browsing.

Retargeted on Facebook, they happened to be converting 200X more than regular campaigns on the social media! Real proof that the client journey must be placed at the heart of media strategies, and that TV is not only clearly appearing in the conversion funnel but is also generating a great audience, of great quality.