Everything you want to know about Drive to Web and TV Analytics

Did you shop?

Written by Raphaelle | 12/6/17 8:00 AM

174 Million 


What is it? That's the number of Americans who shopped in stores an online during one of the busiest shopping weekend of the year in the US, the grand slam: Thanksgiving.

What does Realytics think about it: You certainly already knew it, but the Thanksgiving weekend is clearly not to miss when advertising in TV. Million of Americans wait for the best deals on Black Friday and Cyber Monday to buy presents for Christmas or simply to buy things they would not have at full price.

In 2017, they were more than 174 million Americans to shop in stores and online, and over 58 million shopped only online. Some of them were coming after they saw your spot on TV, but could you tell? No?

Well, Realytics could have.