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Have you met Alexia, Biz Dev at Realytics?

Written by Raphaelle | 4/9/18 8:00 AM

Each month, Realytics showcases one of the members of its (marvelous) team. This month, we’re very happy to introduce you to Alexia, a business developer totally in love with arugula, whom days are punctuated by a sunny motto: tranquiloooo in the morning, no pasa nada in the afternoon.


Alexia, who are you?

I am Alexia, I have been a Business Developer at Realytics since June 2017.


Describe yourself, in 1 gif



What is it like being a Business Developer at Realytics?

To be a Business Developer at Realytics, it means being curious, knowing how to charm your interlocutor and... make money!


What is the first thing you do when you get to the office?

Coffee first!


What are your daily main challenges?

- To know the market like the back of your hand

- To increase the number of clients

- To sustain the client relation


What kind of music do you listen to when working?

Résiste, France Gall!


Something that never leaves your desk

My plant! <3


What do you love about Realytics (in 3 words)

Fat Fri Day.


Your favorite TV show

Sept à Huit, especially when the music starts #ExcitedThrills


Your favorite TV ad

Générale d'Optique, "Bon bah, on partira pas en vacances".


A word for your CEO

Any chance we can get any more plants?


Pass it to one colleague!
