My name is Maxence, I have been a Data Scientist at Realytics for 3 years.
As a Data Scientist, I have to find mathematical and IT solutions to sector-specific problems. We need to be innovative and highlight the data acquired, and be really rigorous so we can extract the more precise and reliable analysis possible.
No surprise here: I turn on my computer (that never leaves me btw), and I check that the data infrastructure is 100% up and running.
Being simple. As of today, the technical ecosystem makes it possible to develop new interfaces, calculation process and storage solutions. The most difficult thing here is to keep all this elements as simple as possible so they can last.
Some rock, but also classical music or electro when I need to focus!
My notebook, because a drawing is worth a thousands words.
Innovation, freedom, lunch.
"How it's made", a show that explains how some everyday objects are made.
An old TV ad for Sylvania, for bulbs. Kinda crazy with a touch of exoticism.
Don't you want to stuff your face with a chili con carne?
I hand this interview to my spiritual sista, Héloïse!