Everything you want to know about Drive to Web and TV Analytics

How to successfully launch a drive to app TV campaign

Written by Raphaelle | 2/22/18 10:00 AM

How to draw the most value from your drive to app TV campaign? 

Apps are clearly trendy right now, and drive to app TV campaigns too! At Realytics, for example, we could notice that the drive to app TV campaign we analysed were multiplied by 2 in 2017; that's proof that they're regularly choosing to launch TV campaigns targeting their mobile app. How make sure, though, that your TV campaign is the most drive to app possible? Listen to Realytics' advices!


Preparing the ground before your drive to app TV campaign 

Your creative needs to be drive to app 

We will never say it enough: you need to contextualise your creatives and insert a relevant CTA. A drive to app TV campaign is not the same a a drive to web one; it won't have the same crea! For a drive to app campaign, think of inserting visuals of your application, showing its clarity and ease of navigation. Showcase its strength, assets, product innovation, unveil its design and features. Be inspired and inspire!

Inspire what? Inspire people and make them download your app, use it afterwards of course, and even share it with family and friends, so they'd download it too. Don't forget to insert a clear and visible CTA, encouraging the TV viewers to download your app, with the names of the different app stores where you can find it and a review if you have one ("voted best app", "favorite app", etc.).

Their opinion matter

Another key element to keep in mind before launching your drive to app TV campaign would be (once again) to think ahead! Just as it is essential to make sure you e-reputation is crystal clear before launching your drive to web TV campaign, you should make sure your app-reputation is as perfect as possible.

How? By watching closely what is said about it on blogs, on Internet, on specialized sites... You thought those reviews could not serve your interests? You're wrong! They can benefit you in the long run, especially if you contribute to it!

Since mid-2017, Apple allows the developers of a mobile app to answer the comments about an app in the App Store - this feature exists on Google Play since 2013; this way, you can thank the positive comments and answer the negative ones.

May the app force be with you 

Your creative needs to be drive to app 

Like in TV, there are as many KPIs as objectives and TV advertisers. You can not only monitor the installs and launch, but also specific KPIs, like the "add to cart", the orders, specific pages consultation...

Thanks to our portal, you have access to the volume of the different delivered contact points (visits, installs and app launch), and can follow the impact of your TV campaign on your mobile app.

One of the leaders of French online real estate agencies launched a TV campaign aiming at promoting its mobile app, and boost the number of installs. Following its first wave, Realytics suggested several optimisation in order to optimise its next TV campaign. The results? +60% app installs and +21 leads!

The App-Team

A retrospective shared by App Annie showed that the number of app installs grew by +60% since 2015, and the average user opens around 40 apps per month! In the UK, for example, users open a little less than 40 apps a month but have around 90 of them on their cell phone!

The downloads have reached a historic level, with around 27 billion apps downloaded in the world, and a consumer expenditure of  17 billion dollars.

Different from a drive to web TV campaign, a drive to app campaign also offers great results!