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Our TOP15 of the best Christmas TV ads 2017

Written by Raphaelle | 1/2/18 9:46 AM

All I want for Christmas is your... selection of the best Christmas TV ads!
Well, your wishes are fulfilled, here is our selection.
No proceeds were received from Santa Klaus for this article.

Argos - #ReadyForTakeOff 

Welcome into the Future! This TV ad features some Santa's elves happily working in a huge factory and a sleigh looking more like a snow scooter Knig Size. The bad news? One gift seems to be missing from Santa Claus' sack... Will he find it back?



BBC – The Supporting Act

This cute litte ad tells the story of a young girl passionate about dancing who wishes her dad were more invested in her life. What if the best gift ever was simply to be together?



Burger King -Gift of fire

The competition is tough. And Burger King is almost not playing by the rule when it comes taunting its fierce competitor, McDonalds, by installing a huge bbq in front of one of it's restaurant. This year, the King of Christmas is definitively Burger King.



Farmers – Secret Santa

After the flames and the competition, here is the love and generosity. An old man leaving alone doesn't look so happy when seeing a big and noisy family right next door. Slowly, those neighbors become more friends than enemies and the old man even becomes a generous Secret Santa.



Manor – Manor

Instead of writing his letter to Santa Claus, a young kid draws a weird gift. What is it!? Santa Claus and his crew are conducting an investigation in order to discover his perfect gift. Manor, Manor, tells me what it is...

"Oh! The Encyclopedia in 16 books! How nice of you Aunt Rose!". Well. Apparently, your gift wasn't successful at all. What if you could chose exactly the right gift? You can.



Migros – Bip bip 

Biiip, Biiip. Who's that? One one the "bipman" of the stores Migors, who feels really lonely, but will soon discover the Christmas Cheer and Magic and the joy of being with friends.



John Lewis – Moz the Monster

John Lewis tell us the story of a young kid who spends his nights playing with a monster. His friend becoming more and more tired, the monster gives him a little gift that should help him get some rest at night.



Amazon – Give

Please, do not lie. You too have order some (all) of your gifts on Amazon. But what do your little gifts from the moment you order them until they are delivered?



Air New Zealand- Mirry Christmus 

How does Santa Claus do to receive all the kids' orders from all over the world... with all of their accents? Bloody hell, it's tough! The little kids from New Zealand will receive very surprising gifts, if a special translator doesn't help Santa Claus...



M&S - Paddington and the Christmas Visitor

M&S always thinks of beautiful Christmas ads. In 2017, it is still the case, in a spot where Paddington gets together with Santa Claus (well, almost) and helps him deliver his gifts.




HP – Create Wonder In Your World

All the generation get together in this spot where neighbors offer a kind surprise to a lonely little girl.



H&M – A Magical Holiday

It looks like a movie, it sounds like a movie, but it is not a movie. It is just the latest H&M ad, where a little girl tries to stop Santa Claus' evil brother from ruining Christmas. Plus, there is Jesse Williams, who always plays very... attractively.



Intermarché – I have a dream 

Sitting on the knees of Santa Claus for the famous photoshoot, a little kid is surprised by the size of his belly... How will he get into the chimney!? By stopping eating so much Yule Log, and eating the special diet the kid and his sister are preparing for him.



McDonald’s – Carrot Stick

A little girl keeps a carrot from McDonalds all day long. What for!?