Everything you want to know about Drive to Web and TV Analytics

The impact of TV on search

Written by Raphaelle | 12/19/19 10:25 AM

The link between television and search: genesis

Imagine the scenario. You're on your couch, and an ad is running on television. You are interested in it, you want to know more.

Your reflex? In the best case, if your memory is good, and if the creative was "drive to web", you directly visit the site of the advertiser in question. But if you ever do something else at the same time, if you have only vaguely heard the brand name, if you even have a vague idea of its activity, and still want to know more, then you type the words you remember into a search engine.

On the other side of the screen, advertisers observe a phenomenon: following the broadcast of one of their TV spots, their "brand" and "non-brand" searches fly away. Are you lost? We are talking here about Internet searches containing the name of a brand - as its name suggests - or searches that contain words associated with a brand, its universe, its image.

We knew that TV advertising leads to an average increase of +60% in search engine queries (Source: "TV-Search Synchronization: Advertising Ping-Pong Begins", Study 2MV). Wishing to know more, we then compiled the performances of 141 campaigns broadcast between January 1 and December 31, 2018, for which Realytics measured the drive to web impact.


Impact drive to web on the search: on which channels?

How do Internet users arrive on your site after seeing your ad? Is it by directly typing your url (via live therefore)? Is it thanks to your SEO or your SEA?

We have analyzed here 3 different channels: SEO, SEA and direct, and have noted that the average traffic increment related to television is relatively equal between SEO, SEA and direct, and remains radically different from the usual site traffic.

Indeed, for the baseline of sites, i.e. the usual traffic outside TV speaking, SEA is the lowest (12%), followed by SEO (27%), leaving the majority to direct (61%). On the other hand, if we look at these results compared to the direct impact, i.e. directly after the broadcast of the TV spot, the SEA impact increases to 28%, the direct impact drops sharply to 35% and the SEO rises a little to 38%.


Impact drive to web on the search: what types of requests?

What do users look for on the Internet after seeing your TV campaign? Is it rather the name of your brand? or non-brand requests, related to your universe?

Outside TV campaigns, 61% of requests are directed to non-branded words, compared to 39% to brand keywords. Following a TV address, 67% of the requests concerned non-branded keywords, compared to 33% for branded keywords. No radical change therefore between the 2 situations, where about 2/3 of the incremental queries always concern non-branded keywords.


TV-search synchronization or how to boost the drive to web impact of your TV campaigns

When we see the strong increase in traffic from SEA campaigns at each TV address, it is therefore obvious that TV & SEA must be jointly managed to maximize the drive to web impact of its TV campaigns.

Realytics has developed a TV spot detection technology that enables you to activate an action on digital from the first second of broadcasting. Moreover, we have launched a solution, Ad Sync, allowing advertisers to synchronize their TV appearances with their paid search campaigns (Google Ads) in order to try to achieve the best possible positioning in search results and thus maximize the drive to web impact of their TV campaign.

This solution can have 3 possible uses, responding to 3 marketing strategies:

- Increase in traffic

You can boost the drive to web impact of your TV campaign by increasing bids on brand and/or non-brand requests each time you watch TV.

- Visibility objective

Protect your brand when you speak on TV by increasing bids on brand requests to ensure your visibility on the search.

- Guerilla Marketing

Finally, take advantage of the TV appearances of the brands in your universe to try to capture part of the drive to web impact of their campaign in a Guerilla Marketing approach.