How do Australians watch TV? On which screens, for how long, live or replay? For its first issue, the Australian Video Viewing Report tells you everything about TV in Australia, and Realytics has selected the best of it.
They were 20 million to be watching broadcast TV each week in 2011, equating to 83.7% of the population. That’s a lot, right? And, now, imagine that 2/3 of 18-24 year-old watched broadcast TV weekly.
They watch an average 8h37 of playback TV through their TV sets, and 4h38 in prime time. They spend 2h39 watching live and playback TV every day, and actually 31:32 minutes using their TV to watch something else than TV (live or replay) on their TV screens.
Speaking of screens, Australians homes have an average of 6.2 screens each, and spend (on average) 13h04 watching videos on a computer. The 18-24 are the heaviest video viewers, with 22h04 per month, and the 65+ spend the least, with 6 hours.
Source: Australian Video Viewing Report – Quarter 1 2017