Everything you want to know about Drive to Web and TV Analytics

Brandformance, or the 360° measure of a TV campaign in digital

Written by Raphaelle | 8/2/18 7:56 AM

The emergence and the use of the word "brandformance", a combination of 2 words "branding" and "performance", highlights a statement: no matter if you're brand- or performance oriented, it is possible to measure the impact of your TV campaign in digital both in branding and business KPIs!


Welcome to a world 100% digital

There was a time when we could quantify consumption with stocks that would diminish, and advertising with billboards on shops. Today, the consumer is getting digital: he is connected, all day long. It seems the products he buys are always on stock, and ads are always displayed in digital.

Because people are getting more and more digital. In 2017, the average American adult spends for example around 2,50 hours on their smartphone every day (that's 86 hours a month!) - source: ComScore, Cross Platform Future in Focus, 2017. They are seeing ads every day on their digital channels (cellphone, computer, tablet), and some more on offline channels (TV, OOH, print).

The biggest challenge for brands is to adjust to this digitalisation and know to think of new marketing campaigns that would be adapted to those new kinds of consumption. And it it not easy!


How did the brandformance appear in TV

The brand occupies a central place in the way we consume things. We don't buy some shoes anymore, we buy "Nike"; we don't change our vacuum, we invest in a "Dyson"; we don't add a new computer to the collection, we choose a "Mac". All the power and legitimacy of this product seem to be held in the name of a brand, without thinking of the actual model.

TV is already riding the wave of "branding", and has been seen, for a long time, as a media that could only allow advertisers to build and strengthen their brand image, to share a message that would praise their brand in their TV spots. It is actually kind of obvious when we know that brand-oriented advertisers represent 80% of the revenue invested in TV!

Things have changed: today, we can also measure the performance of a TV spot in digital. A new kind of behavior appeared for the TV-viewers: they are more and more holding a second screen when watching TV. They react in digital to the programs but also to the ads they are watching. That's how it is possible to know if and how a TV campaign was performant.


How to precisely measure the branding and performance effects of a TV campaign?

For the love of a good performance

Pure-payers, newly arriving in the audiovisual sector, were the first ones to choose an analytics tool to measure the impact of their TV campaigns in digital. Having depleted the online channels, they quickly understood how TV was a very useful mass media that could reach a huge public while promoting their brand.

They apply the the philosophy of the digital to the television, meaning measuring the ROI for every euro spent. Pure-players, compared to traditional advertisers, are like millenials, compared to older persons: they are digital natives! They've always known the analytics and data in digital They couldn't think of TV without measuring/optimising/monetizing their media investments.

They can be relieved since it is possible to measure the impact of TV campaigns in real-time: traffic, conversions, revenue... Those results help them adapt and optimise their media plans and, ultimately, boost the ROI of their TV campaigns.


Everything for my brand

Regarding the brand, it is possible to collect some central data in digital, that are clearly the reflect of the halo effect induced by the campaign. Advertisers can discover the profile of the audience they reached in TV: age, gender, center of interest, geolocation. Here, we want to know who the TV-engaged are, those who, after having seen a TV spot, are going online on the website of the TV advertiser. We can also measure the "brand" and "non-brand" requests on search engines.

Those information help advertisers check if they TV campaign reached the right target, but also to measure the effect of the immediate notoriety caused by the campaign. It will even be possible to modify and adapt a TV campaign based on those insights, and optimise the ROI of the campaign while better knowing the audience reached in TV.

Branding and performance are absolutely linked! Both answer the same objective: convert the highest number of TV viewers, because they will later be clients (performance), or because they were reached by your message and react positively to your brand and its image (branding).


No matter if you're a web seller or not, you can't ignore the power of digital and of digital consumers! No matter what the objective of your campaign is: everything is leading towards the digital (even TV!).