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GDPR: Are you ready?

Written by Raphaelle | 5/23/18 7:30 AM

What is it?

The number of companies feeling they won't be ready on May, 25th 2018, day when the GDPR will be enforced. The EU General Data Protection Regulation unifies the European law regarding personal data.


What does Realytics think about it?

Seems pretty legit that such a complex text would scare many people! It does not state anything brand new though; most of the principles and rights were already present in the French Loi Informatique et Libertés of 1978. The GDPR enunciates new rights for European citizens, and promises a greater control of their personal data.

Right to be informed, right to rectification, right to data portability, right to object, right to access, right to erasure, right to restrict processing... All those new rights allow citizens to control what use is made of their personal data and access it easily.

When presented like that, it appears it won't be the users who might get upset about that! Everything is made to prevent (stop?) abuses and give the control of data back to the citizen. If there is someone who is panicking though, it might be the companies! There are heavy procedures to follow to be GDPR compliant, and companies often have not really planned ahead (unlike us!).

Not only do 67% of the IT Managers asked said they wouldn't be ready one month from the enforcement date, but 35% thought GDPR could even jeopardize their company.

How to be ready, in a no-stress zone? In France, the CNIL accompanies the professionals and gives them the tools they need to be GDPR compliant as easily as possible.

You have questions? You wonder how Realytics is using your personal data? Read our article explaining how your data is safe with us or send us an email at rgpd@realytics.io!