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The power of radio, a strong drive to web media

Written by Raphaelle | 10/10/17 8:00 AM

Yes, radio has a drive to web impact!

It can seem out-of-date, but 9 out of 10 people in the UK tune into the radio each week: the radio is definitively part of the British' habits and clearly is a powerful drive to web media. And that's why.

Radio, a media loved by British 

They do it in the shower, in the car, at lunch... 9 British out of 10 do it every week: Listen to the radio (RAJAR Q3 2015). 

This data clearly proves radio still occupies a huge place in the hearts and the daily lives of British people. Moreover, KAJAR states that the average listener tunes to 21,3 hours of live radio per week, and more than 49,7 million people listen to radio per week.

Radio, a media getting digital 

The time spent listening to radio is not linked to the strategic position of your antenna anymore. Nowadays, you can listen to radio on several devices. Still, of course, on the small radio set in your kitchen or in your car, but also on a digital device.

56% of people listen to radio via a digital platform; 26% of adults and 41% of 15-24 y.o. listen via a mobile or a tablet device (KAJAR, Q3 2015).

This media did everything to adapt to change, and (almost) every station has nowadays its own Internet website, even its own application. Radio station upgraded and are usually easily found in digital.

Radio, a drive to web media 

Of course, we listen to radio. But what we, at Realytics, are really interested in, is how radio is a drive to web media. Do the ads played on the radio have an impact in digital, like the TV ones? Yes, they do! A little less than the TV ones - TV is the most powerful media - but still.

TV is a very captive media, but radio is used on a daily basis as an accompaniment media, and its impact in digital will be a little bit delayed. The impact of TV in digital is almost immediate, whereas with radio, it happens between 40 and 200 minutes following the spot. 

We can actually say a radio campaign provoked a traffic augmentation of +125% for a transportation app, +38% for a pure player in purchases, +20% for a pure-player selling accessories (augmentation of the indirect traffic during the whole campaign).