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An Insight into the Future of TV ads with Guillaume Belmas

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  • An Insight into the Future of TV ads with Guillaume Belmas

What will the future of TV advertising look like? What challenges will the fragmentation of TV users pose? These questions and more were addressed by our CEO, Guillaume Belmas, during an exclusive interview with Minted at the Future of TV Ads event. Guillaume offers a glimpse into the evolving landscape of TV advertising and the technological developments that will shape its future.

The Path to Maturity: Simplification and Unification

As TV advertising continues to change and grow, one of the key developments will be the unification of purchasing methods and the simplification that comes with it. Guillaume Belmas talks about the importance of breaking down data silos to serve an entire market and not just certain fragments of it. Realytics standardizes these technological stacks to have something that is much simpler and accessible for advertisers and agencies.

Facing Fragmentation: The Biggest Challenge

One of the biggest challenges in the future of TV advertising is the unification of fragmented measurements across various advertising formats and distribution channels. The goal is to achieve a clear, understandable reading of campaign performance while also deduplicating the data. This will make it possible to activate multiple formats and channels within the same campaign seamlessly, ensuring consistent and accurate insights.

Smart TV vs. Set-Top Box: A Dual Approach

When asked about the relevance of Smart TVs versus set-top boxes, Guillaume Belmas explains that both technologies play an essential role in the future of TV advertising. In France, for example, set-top boxes account for more than half of TV consumption. The data collected from set-top boxes is rich and precise, offering significant benefits for measurement and deduplication.

Want to learn more?

To dive deeper into these topics and gain further insights into the future of TV advertising, be sure to watch the full interview with Guillaume Belmas. Find out what the technical challenge of the future of TV advertising is and discover how Realytics is leading in standardizing technology and measurement to create a more transparent, efficient, and effective advertising landscape. What about smart TVs?

Don't miss out on Guillaume’s full answer and other exclusive insights.


Mots clés : Insider, Interviews, CTV